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Writer's pictureNatosha Zanders

Let's Talk About Communication

Usually, in December, I start to take inventory of what went well and things I need to work on. This year, I noticed that there was one common thread (y'all see how I added in thread right there!) both in my personal life and in the business, I really need to work on communication.

In my personal life, it can certainly be hard to juggle my son's activities/school schedules (Gwinnett county digital days sneak up on me), my husband's, and my personal schedule. A co-worker told me about a great app called Cozi to help combat our busy lives. You can block off dates and times according to your schedule and share them with your family members to bridge the gap between miscommunication. It has really been my new go-to when planning family trips and personal outings to attempt to avoid our wires getting crossed.

Similarly, in my business, it is a bit more complicated than my personal life. I have an assistant, an entire advisory board, and a social media manager. Unfortunately, I am not utilizing any of them at the capacity of effectiveness because I have a problem with relinquishing tasks (feels good to say this out loud). I have it in my head how I believe things should go but I don't quite communicate it to my staff therefore I usually end up doing it on my own.

My assistant Schronda (shown below) and social media manager Dee (shown to the right) knows me very well and call me out from time to time. Schronda physically holds me accountable when we are at various business events, and I tend to take over trying to do what she is responsible for (she calls me to the carpet often). This is by no means what I want to do but I have to practice letting go. I am often overworked and unorganized because I haven't taken the time to organize my goals and communicate them effectively.

I have made it my personal goal to begin to organize both my personal and business life to avoid some of these very avoidable pitfalls! Even amidst my organizational woes, we were still able to accomplish great strides this year, I look forward to where we will be this time next year with a bit more discipline, who's with me?

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